Sweet sixteen parties are a lot more difficult than I imagined. Even if you purchase twelve Little Caesars pizzas and do minimal decorating. I decided to tackle the 98 cupcakes on my own. However, my extra muffin pans were misplaced during the accidental remodel. Go figure. So what does this Mom on a Mission do? She listens to her wise 6-year-old and improvises. We use all the silicone cups we have and place the paper liners inside. It magically works and holds the batter like a real muffin pan and the liners keep them disposable.
98 cup cakes later with 50 teens in the backyard, the party continues on.
Lots of fun, festivities and teenage drama.
We throw in a little younger sister fun with her friend.
Finally it’s time for hubbie and I to rest using our new throws that I ordered from Sams. I just love them and welcome fall. No freezer cooking this weekend. I put it off until Monday. I have a plan, though.
What kind of cooking, baking or festivities did you do this weekend?